24 February 2007

This Sunday Is Nothing but a Fiction

Come to the Fictitious Reading on Sunday night!

Toronto writers Steve Venright and Beatriz Hausner, both recognized primarily as poets (and surrealists!), will be reading fiction at the 9th installment of the Fictitious Reading Series on Sunday, Feb. 25, 7:30 pm, upstairs at This Ain't the Rosedale Library, 483 Church.

Steve will be reading from a novel in progress, and Beatriz will be reading from fiction works she has translated from the Spanish. The reading of translations will be a first for Fictitious!

After the readings, I'll be leading an "onstage" chat with both writers, where we'll delve into surrealism and translation, Torpor Vigil Industries (Steve's project) and public libraries (Beatriz's day job). Oh, and writing methods as well.

Cohost Kate and I pass the hat to pay the writers, and attendees are encourage to bring a beverage of their choice. Cheezies and chips will be provided.

See you there! For more info, click the Fictitious link in the sidebar to the right.


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